Welcome to the site!

Thanks for clicking over!  www.richardfountainpianist.com is the main online hub for info regarding my professional activity - performances, recording projects, bio and other press material, etc.  I hope you enjoy the site.

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First, a little about me.  (It may seem self-centered, but hey, read the URL.  You didn't come here for directions to the nearest Chipotle.)  I'm originally from Nebraska, a state of around 1.8 million people in the exact middle of the USA.  I chose to be a pianist because (a) I enjoy making music more than just about anything else and (b) I feel that I've been given a responsibility to add joy and beauty to the world around us through sound.  I'm equal parts soloist, vocal, instrumental and choral accompanist, orchestral keyboardist and teacher.  Right now I work in the High Plains of Texas at Wayland Baptist University as Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano.  I also have a family (married with a daughter and a son), so life is both full and fulfilling!

Finally, I'd like to give you an idea of what you can expect from this site.  Besides the obvious components of a pianist's website such as audio highlights, performance calendar and contact info, I'll be updating this blog each week with thoughts on everything from teaching scale fingerings to the joys of accompanying and how to practice on limited time.  Eventually the site might expand a bit to include some useful links and related content, but for now I hope you bookmark this page, come by once in a while, and "set a spell," as we say down South.  Thanks again for visiting!

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