Travels across America: Alabama
After a long absence from blogging, I’ve found an interesting topic on which to write at some length. It turns out that over the years, I’ve visited forty-four of the fifty United States! As one of my great loves outside music is traveling, and especially driving, I thought it would be interesting to give my perspective on every state, along with particular memories and stories connected to those places. Apologies to Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Rhode Island...we’ll get there someday.
Going alphabetically, we’ll start in Alabama.
(Photo credit: Sandy Jones PC, Pinterest)
My family actually has some history in Alabama, although it’s not particularly famous or significant. My grandfather on my father’s side was born in Jasper, not all that far up I-22 from Birmingham, and an ancestor or two are buried in a cemetery nearby. Unfortunately I haven’t made it there yet, but it’s on my list.
I didn’t make it to Alabama until fairly recently, as my sister and her husband moved to Huntsville a few years ago. Since then we’ve been over several times, usually heading east from Texas on I-20 (which does, after a couple of days and 850 miles, make it from Sweetwater, TX, where we join it, to Birmingham), heading north on I-65 to the Huntsville area. Huntsville is a really neat small city, very demographically skewed toward rocket scientists and other space-industry folks, and home to one of the coolest museums around. The U.S. Space and Rocket Center at the Marshall Space Flight Center has all kinds of exhibits telling the history of the U.S. space program, including a real live Saturn V rocket, one of only three left in the world. Our kids just love this place, and it’s definitely worth multiple visits.
(Photo credit: U.S. Space and Rocket Center)
I’ve traveled north from Huntsville through Nashville, but discussion of that drive will wait until the post on Tennessee. I’ve also driven southeast from Huntsville to Columbus, GA for a conference, which is one of the more surprisingly scenic drives I’ve encountered. From Huntsville, US 431 goes through Guntersville, which must be Alabama’s answer to the Ozarks. Great shops, plenty of lake-related activities, and colorful architecture were in abundance. It didn’t hurt that just as I reached the bridge heading across the lake near Guntersville, an afternoon thunderstorm swept through, making quite a majestic scene.
(Photo credit: Terri D, Trip Advisor)